District Board of Health Meeting Notice and Agenda - Final


Devon Reese, Chair Paul Anderson Clara Andriola Michael Brown

Dr. Reka Danko, MD Steve Driscoll

Dr. Eloy Ituarte, MD

Thursday, February 27, 2025

1:00 p.m.

Washoe County Administration

Complex Commission Chambers, Building A

1001 East Ninth Street

Reno, NV




NOTE: This option will require a computer with audio and video capabilities if you wish to do Public Comment.

1:00 p.m.

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum.

  2. Pledge of Allegiance.

  3. Election of District Board of Health Vice Chair for the period 2/27/25-12/31/2026. Candidates include Clara Andriola, Paul Anderson, Steve Driscoll, Michael Brown, Dr. Eloy Ituarte, and Dr. Reka Danko. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)


    Approved Bylaw revision 2024.pdf Approved RPPs 6_24.docx

  4. Approval of Agenda. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

    1001 East Ninth Street, Building B, Reno, NV 89512 Telephone: 775.328.2416 Fax: 775.328.3752

  5. Recognitions. NEW HIRES

    1. Caitlin Farrell - University of Nevada Las Vegas Epidemiology Fellow - 12/9/24

    2. Enrique Llamas - EHS Trainee - EHS - 12/30/2024

    3. Nadia Noel - EHS Trainee - EHS - 1/13/2025

    4. Lauren Staffen - EHS Trainee - EHS - 1/3/2025

    5. Sarah Velto - EHS Trainee - EHS - 1/13/2025 YEARS OF SERVICE

    1. Maria Magana - Office Specialist - CCHS - 30 years - 2/13/1995

    2. Jessica Cabrales - Office Specialist - AQM - 20 years 1/3/2005

    3. Karley Crane - Office Specialist - CCHS - 5 years 1/21/2020

    4. Narcisa Perez-Zapata - Office Specialist - EHS - 5 years 1/21/2020

    5. Joshua Philpott - Environmental Health Specialist - EHS - 5 years 1/21/2020

    6. Anastasia Gunawan - Statistician - EPHP - 5 years - 2/3/2020

    7. Maricruz Schaefer - Sr. Public Health Nurse - 5 years - 2/18/2020 HEALTH HEROES - December and January

    1. Lorena Solorio - CCHO ii. Camarina Augusto - ODHO

    iii. Dianna Karlicek - EHS iv. Itzayana Montoya (x3) - ODHO

    v. Cindy Hawks - EPHP vi. April Miller - EPHP

    vii. Jackie Chaidez - CCHS viii. Amber English - EHS

    1. Eva Sandoval - ODHO

    2. Cindy Arredondo, Sahara Cruz, Briana Contreras - CCHS

    3. Matt Simpson and Daniel Timmons - EHS

    4. Bianca Trujillo, Karla Aguirre, Lili Ponce - CCHS

  6. Public Comment.

    Action may not be taken on any matter raised during this public comment period until the matter is specifically listed on an agenda as an action item. All public comment is limited to three minutes per person. Members of the public may submit public comment by either attending the meeting in person, attending the meeting via teleconference or attending by telephone only.

    Requests for public comment via zoom must be submitted to jlawson@nnph.org no later than 4:00

    p.m. on the day before the scheduled meeting. Please log into the ZOOM meeting via the above link and utilize the "Raise Hand" feature during any public comment period. To provide public comment via telephone only, press *9 and *6 to mute/unmute. Reasonable efforts will be made to hear all public comment during the meeting.

  7. Consent Items. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

    1. Approval of minutes for the District Board of Health Strategic Planning meeting of January 13, 2025. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

      Attachments: 1-13-2025 DBOH Strategic Planning minutes

    2. Budget Amendments/Interlocal Agreements. (FOR POSSIBLE


      1. Approve a Notice of Subaward from the State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public & Behavioral Health retroactive to January 1, 2025 through June 30, 2025 in the total amount of $425,001.00(no required match) in support of the Community and Clinical Health Services Division (CCHS) COVID Immunization Round 3 Program and authorize the District Health Officer to execute the Notice of Subaward and any future amendments. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Irene Dominguez


        DBOH 1-23-25 COVID IZ Round 3 Carryover Notice_of_Subaward-SG-2025-00845

      2. Approve a Notice of Subaward from the State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public & Behavioral Health retroactive to January, 1, 2025 through June 30, 2025 in the total amount of $418,504.00(no required match) in support of the Community and Clinical Health Services Division (CCHS) COVID Immunization Round 4 Program and authorize the District Health Officer to execute the Notice of Subaward and any future amendments. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Irene Dominguez


        DBOH 1-23-25 COVID IZ Round 4 Carryover Notice_of_Subaward-SG-2025-00847

      3. Approve a Notice of Subaward from the State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public & Behavioral Health retroactive to January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025 in the total amount of $108,999.00 (no required match) in support of the Community and Clinical Health Services Division (CCHS) Tuberculosis Prevention Program and authorize the District Health Officer to execute the Subaward and any future amendments. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

        Staff Representative: Irene Dominquez and Lisa Lottritz


        DBOH 2-27-25 Tuberculosis Grant Notice_of_Subaward-SG-2025-00796

      4. Retroactively approve FY25 purchases in an amount not to exceed $200,000 from Merck & Company Inc. for vaccine in support of clinic operations on behalf of the Community and Clinical Health Services Division in Washoe County. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

        Staff Representative: Irene Dominguez

        Attachments: DBOH 2-27-25 Merck PO increase

      5. Retroactively approve FY25 purchases in an amount not to exceed $115,000 from IC Media for social media campaigns targeting vaccination information and promotion of events in support of the clinic operations on behalf of the Community and Clinical Health Services Division in Washoe

        County. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

        Staff Representative: Irene Dominguez

        Attachments: DBOH 2-27-25 IC Media PO increase

      6. Retroactively approve FY25 purchases in an amount not to exceed $160,000.00 from Acro Service Corp for temporary surge staffing in support of COVID-19 response efforts and Influenza and/or COVID-19 vaccination events on behalf of the Community and Clinical Health Services Division in Washoe County. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

        Staff Representative: Irene Dominguez

        Attachments: DBOH 2-27-25 Acro PO increase

    3. Acknowledge receipt of the Health Fund Financial Review for December and January, Fiscal Year 2025 (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

      Staff Representative: Jack Zenteno


      DBOH 02-27-25 - AHS - December Financials ZS16 December 2024

      DBOH 02-27-25 - AHS - January Financials ZS16 January 2025

      End of Consent Items.

  8. Recommendation to accept the REMSA Health Monthly Franchise Reports for November 2024, December 2024, and January 2025 which includes REMSA Health Accounts Receivables Summary, Compliance by Zones, Average Response Times, Incident Details Reporting, Summary Penalty Fund Reconciliation, Ground Ambulance Operations Report, Patient Experience Report and Comments, Education Report, and Public Relations Report, and provide possible Board direction. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

    Presented by: Barry Duplantis


    DBOH - 2-27-2025 - REMSA Health Monthly Franchise Report DBOH 2-27-2025 - REMSA Health Monthly Franchise Report –November 2024

    DBOH 2-27-2025 - REMSA Health Monthly Franchise Report –December 2024

    DBOH - 2-27-2025 - REMSA Health Monthly Franchise Report

    -January 2025

  9. Presentation and discussion of REMSA Health's Fiscal Year 2024 Audited Financial Statements. Presented by: Barry Duplantis and Shirley Roberts


    DBOH - 2-27-2025 - REMSA Health Financial Statement 2024 DBOH - 2-27-2025 - REMSA_Penalty Fund_6.30.2024

    DBOH - 2-27-2025 - REMSA_Financial Statements_2024 DBOH - 2-27-2025 - REMSA_Average Bill Report_6.30.2024 DBOH - 2-27-2025 - REMSA Required 


  10. Presentation, discussion, and possible approval of the Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority (REMSA) Health Franchise Compliance Report for the period of 7/1/2023 through 6/30/2024 (FY24). (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

    Presented by: Andrea Esp


    DBOH - 2-27-2025 - REMSA Health Franchise Compliance Staff Report

    DBOH - 2-27-2025 - REMSA Health Franchise Compliance Report FY24

    DBOH - 2-27-2025 - REMSA Health Franchise Compliance Checklist FY24

  11. Recommendation to uphold the decision of the Sewage, Wastewater & Sanitation (SWS) Hearing Board to approve Variance Case #H24-0004VARI of the Northern Nevada Public Health Regulations Governing Sewage, Wastewater, and Sanitation, allowing a reduction in minimum lot size for a new subdivision to be served by septic, by holding sufficient additional land open in perpetuity to meet the maximum septic density intended by the regulations, for Palomino Farms LLC, owner of 0 Whiskey Springs Rd/0 Safe Flat Rd, Washoe County, Nevada, Assessor's Parcel Numbers 077-090-13 and 077-090-14. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

    Staff Representative: David Kelly


    DBOH 02-27-2025 - EHS - Palomino Valley LLC Variance 01-30-2025 SWS Board draft minutes

    01302025 SWS BOARD PACKET H24-0004VARI

  12. Discussion on the FY26 Budget status, timelines, and next steps. Staff Representative: Jack Zenteno

  13. Recommendation for appointment to the Air Pollution Control Hearing Board as an At-Large Committee Member. Staff recommends: The appointment of Mr. Chaitanya Korra for a three-year term beginning on February 27, 2025, and concluding on February 26, 2028; Applicants include: William Foster McCoy, Ph.D.,

    and Stephen Birdsall. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Francisco Vega


    DBOH 02-27-2025 - AQMD - APCHB Appt At-Large Position Staff Report

    List of Applicants

  14. Review, discussion, and possible adoption of the Business Impact Statement regarding proposed revisions to the District Board of Health Regulations Governing Air Quality Management, Chapter 040 (Prohibited Emissions), Part 040.110 (Asbestos Control Standards), and Part 040.115 (Acknowledgment of Asbestos Assessment) with a finding that the revised regulations do not impose a direct and significant economic burden on a business; nor do the revised regulations directly restrict the formation, operation, or expansion of a business; and set a public hearing for possible adoption of the proposed revisions to the Regulations for March 27, 2025, at 1:00 p.m.. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

    Staff Representative: Francisco Vega


    DBOH 10-24-2024 AQM BIS Chapter 040 Staff Report Chapter 040 Revision BIS Attachments

    Chapter 040 Revision BIS Presentation

  15. Presentation on delivery, objectives, and outcomes of community meetings with Environmental Health and Air Quality.

    Staff Representative: Erin Dixon

    Attachments: NNPH_Community Mtgs_DBOH 2-27-25

  16. Presentation and possible acceptance of the FY25 Q2 Strategic Plan Results. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Rayona LaVoie


    DBOH Staff Report_ FY25 Q2 Strategic Plan Results FY25 Q2 Outcome Report

    FY25 Q2 Status Snapshot

    FY25 Q2 Strategic Plan Results Slide Deck

  17. Review and Approve the District Health Officer's (DHO) Annual Performance Evaluation Tool, Participant List for the DHO's Evaluation, and Direct Staff to Administer the Evaluation Using an Online Survey Program. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION).

    Staff Representatives: Rayona LaVoie


    Staff Report DHO Eval Process 2025 DHO 2025 Performance Evaluation Obj_ 2025 DRAFT List of Participants DHO Eval

  18. Staff Reports and Program Updates.

    1. Air Quality Management - Update on Executive Orders and Air Quality, Lee M. Zeldin Sworn in as 17th EPA Administrator, October and November 2024 EPA Small Business Newsletters, Divisional Update, Program Reports, Monitoring and Planning, Permitting and Compliance.

      Staff Representative: Francisco Vega

      Attachments: DBOH 02-27-2025 AQMD DD Staff Report (Dec/Jan 2025)

    2. Community and Clinical Health Services -WIC Program Update; Data & Metrics; Sexual Health (Outreach and Disease Investigation), Immunizations, Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Program, Reproductive and Sexual Health Services, Chronic Disease Injury Prevention Program, Maternal Child and Adolescent Health, Women Infants and Children, and Community Health Workers.

      Staff Representative: Lisa Lottritz

      Attachments: DBOH 2-27-2025 CCHS Director Staff Report

    3. Environmental Health Services Program - Consumer Protection (Food Safety Plan Review & Operations, Commercial Plan Review, Foodborne Illness, Special Events, Permitted Facilities); Environmental Protection (Land Development, Safe Drinking Water, Vector-borne Disease Surveillance, Waste Management / Underground Storage Tanks).

      Staff Representative: Robert Fyda

      Attachments: 2024.02.27 - DBOH EHS Division Report

    4. Epidemiology and Public Health Preparedness - Epidemiology, Public Health Preparedness, Emergency Medical Services, Vital Statistics.

      Staff Representative: Dr. Nancy Diao

      Attachments: DBOH 2-27-2025 - EPHP-Division Report

    5. Office of the District Health Officer Report - Northern Nevada Public Health Communications Update, Accreditation, Quality Improvement, Workforce Development, Community Health Improvement Program, Equity Projects/Collaborations, Community Events, and Public

      Communications and Outreach.

      Staff Representative: Dr. Chad Kingsley

      Attachments: DBOH 02-27-2025 - ODHO Division Report

  19. Board Comment.


Possible Changes to Agenda Order and Timing: Items on the agenda may be taken out of order, combined with other items, withdrawn from the agenda, moved to the agenda of another later meeting; moved to or from the Consent section, or they may be voted on in a block. Items with a specific time designation will not be heard prior to the stated time, but may be heard later. Items listed in the Consent section of the agenda are voted on as a block and will not be read or considered separately unless withdrawn from the Consent agenda.

Special Accommodations: The Northern Nevada Public Health Meetings are accessible to the disabled. Disabled members of the public who require special accommodations or assistance at the meeting are requested to notify the Office of the District Health Officer in writing at the Northern Nevada Public Health, 1001 E. 9th Street, Building B, Reno, NV 89512, or by calling 775.328.2416, 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Public Comment: During the “Public Comment” items, anyone may speak pertaining to any matter either on or off the agenda, to include items to be heard on consent, by filling out a “Request to Speak” form and/or submit comments for the record to the Recording Secretary. For the remainder of the agenda, public comment will only be heard during items that are marked FOR POSSIBLE ACTION. All public comment should be addressed to the Board of Health and not an individual member. The Board asks that your comments are expressed in a courteous manner. Any public comment for hearing items will be heard before action is taken on the item and must be about the specific item being considered by the Board. Public comment and presentations for individual agenda items are limited as follows: fifteen minutes each for staff and applicant presentations, five minutes for a speaker representing a group, and three minutes for individual speakers unless extended by questions from the Board or by action of the Chair. Reasonable efforts will be made to hear all public comment during the meeting.

All public comment is limited to three minutes per person. Unused time may not be reserved by the speaker nor allocated to another speaker.

Members of the public that wish to attend via zoom may make public comment by submitting

an email comment to jlawson@nnph.org before the scheduled meeting, which includes the name of the commenter and the agenda item number for which the comment is submitted.

Response to Public Comment: The Board of Health can deliberate or take action only if a matter has been listed on an agenda properly posted prior to the meeting. During the public comment period, speakers may address matters listed or not listed on the published agenda. The Open Meeting Law does not expressly prohibit responses to public comments by the Board of Health. However, responses from the Board members to unlisted public comment topics could become deliberation on a matter without notice to the public. On the advice of legal counsel and to ensure the public has notice of all matters the Board of Health will consider, Board members may choose not to respond to public comments, except to correct factual inaccuracies, ask for Northern Nevada Public Health staff action or to ask that a matter be listed on a future agenda. The Board of Health may do this either during the public comment item or during the following item: “Board Comments District Board of Health Member’s announcements, reports and updates, request for information or topics for future agendas. (No discussion among Board Members will take place on the item)”

Posting of Agenda; Location of Website:

Pursuant to NRS 241.020, Notice of this meeting was posted electronically at the following locations:

Northern Nevada Public Health, 1001 E. 9th St., Reno, NV Reno City Hall, 1 E. 1st St., Reno, NV

Sparks City Hall, 431 Prater Way, Sparks, NV

Washoe County Administration Building, 1001 E. 9th St, Reno, NV Downtown Reno Library, 301 S. Center St., Reno, NV

Northern Nevada Public Health Website https://www.NNPH.org State of Nevada Website: https://notice.nv.gov

The meeting will be televised live and replayed on Washoe Channel at: https://www.washoecounty.gov/mgrsoff/divisions/Communications/wctv-live.php and also on Youtube at: https://www.youtube.com/user/WashoeCountyTV

How to Get Copies of Agenda and Support Materials: Supporting materials are available to the public at the Northern Nevada Public Health located at 1001 E. 9th Street, in Reno, Nevada. Ms. Jackie Lawson, Recording Secretary to the Board of Health is the person designated by the Board of Health to respond to requests for supporting materials. Ms. Lawson is located at the Northern Nevada Public Health and may be reached by telephone at (775) 328-2415 or by email at jlawson@nnph.org. Supporting materials are also available at the Northern Nevada Public Health Website https://www.NNPH.org pursuant to the requirements of NRS 241.020.